Old Calendar Orthodox Daily Digest for 6/17/2024

Fasting Guidelines

Afterfeast of the Ascension. Tone six.
Today is fast-free!

Today’s Commemorations

  • St. Metrophanes , first patriarch of Constantinople (325).
  • New Hieromartyr Peter priest (1918).
  • New Martyrs: Archbishop Andronicus of Perm (1918) and Archbishop Basil of Chernigov (1918).
  • New Hieromartyr George priest (1941).
  • Joanikije Lipovac, Metropolitan of Montenegro (1945) ( Serbia )
  • Uncovering of the relics of Hieromartyr Peter, archbishop of Voronezh (1999).
  • Venerable Methodius , abbot of Peshnosha (1392), disciple of St. Sergius of Radonezh.
  • Martyrs Frontasius, Severinus, Severian , and Silanus of Gaul (1st c.).
  • Martyr Concordius of Spoleto (175).
  • Hieromartyr Astius , bishop of Dyrrachium in Macedonia (110).
  • Venerable Zosimas of Cilicia, bishop of New Babylon (Egypt) (6th c.).
  • Hieromartyr Ioannicus, metropolitan of Montenegro and Littoral (1945).
  • Sts. Mary and Martha, sisters of St. Lazarus (1st c.).
  • Venerables Eleazar and Nazarius, wonderworkers of Olonets (15th c.).
  • Venerable Sophia of Thrace (10th-11th c.).
  • Venerable John, abbot of Monagria near Cyzicus (761).
  • Venerable Alonius of Scete in Egypt (5th c.).
  • St. Titus, bishop of Byzantium (3rd c.).
  • Hieromartyr Apotacius and Martyrs Camarus, Zoticus, Gaddanus, Ninnitus, Julius, Attalus, Eutyches, Amasus, Carinus, Saturninus and 30 others, beheaded at Noviodunum in Scythia Minor (320).
  • St. Optatus, bishop of Milevum in Numidia (376).
  • St. Petroc of Cornwall (594) (Celtic & British).

Scripture Readings

Acts 21:8-14
On the next day we who were Paul’s companions departed and came to Caesarea, and entered the house of Philip the evangelist, who was one of the seven, and stayed with him. Now this man had four virgin daughters who prophesied. And as we stayed many days, a certain prophet named Agabus came down from Judea. When he had come to us, he took Paul’s belt, bound his own hands and feet, and said, “Thus says the Holy Spirit, ‘So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man who owns this belt, and deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.’ ” Now when we heard these things, both we and those from that place pleaded with him not to go up to Jerusalem. Then Paul answered, “What do you mean by weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.” So when he would not be persuaded, we ceased, saying, “The will of the Lord be done.”

John 14:27-15:7
Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. You have heard Me say to you, ‘I am going away and coming back to you.’ If you loved Me, you would rejoice because I said, ‘I am going to the Father,’ for My Father is greater than I. And now I have told you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe. I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me. But that the world may know that I love the Father, and as the Father gave Me commandment, so I do. Arise, let us go from here. I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned. If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.

Saints and Feasts Celebrated Today

Venerable Zosimas of Cilicia, bishop of New Babylon (Egypt) (6th c.).
Venerable  Zosimas  of Cilicia, bishop of New Babylon (Egypt) (6th c.). The Monk Zosima, Bishop of Babylon, was born in Cilicia (Asia Minor). While still a youth he left the world and settled on Mount Sinai, and later he withdrew to a more solitary place in Lebanon. One time he encountered an elderly ascetic, who foretold that he would be bishop in Babylon. When Zosima returned to Sinai, he was sent on an errand to Alexandria. The Alexandrian Patriarch made him bishop of Babylon, and into old age he wisely guided his flock. Sensing the approach of death, he returned to Sinai and there peacefully expired to God (V Century).

St. Metrophanes , first patriarch of Constantinople (325).
Sainted Mitrophanes, Patriarch of Constantinople, was a contemporary of Saint Constantine the Great (306-337). His father, Dometius, was by birth a brother of the Roman emperor Probus (276-282). Having reasoned out the falseness of the pagan religion, Dometius came to believe in Christ. During a time of terrible persecution of Christians at Rome, Saint Dometius set off to Byzantium with two of his sons, Probus and Mitrophanes, and began to be instructed in the law of the Lord by Bishop Titus, a man holy of life. Seeing the ardent desire of Dometius to labour for the Lord, Saint Titus ordained him presbyter. And after the death of Titus there was elevated upon the bishop’s throne first Dometius (272-303), and thereafter his sons, Probus (303-315) and in 316 – Saint Mitrophanes.       Upon a time having come to Byzantium, the emperor Constantine was delighted by the beauty and comfortable setting of the city. And having seen the holiness of life and sagacity of Saint Mitrophanes, the emperor took him back along to Rome. Soon Constantine the Great transferred the capital from Rome to Byzantium and he brought Saint Mitrophanes there. In the year 325 there was convened the First OEcumenical Council for resolving the Arian heresy. Constantine the Great had the holy fathers of the Council bestow upon Saint Mitrophanes the title of Patriarch. In such manner, the saint became the first Patriarch of Constantinople. Saint Mitrophanes was himself very old, and was not able to be present at the Council, and he sent in place of himself the khore-bishop (vicar bishop) Alexander. At the close of the Council the emperor together with the holy fathers visited with the ailing Patriarch. At the request of the emperor, the saint disclosed his choice of worthy successor to himself – Bishop Alexander, foretelling, that after Alexander there would be elevated upon the patriarchal throne Paul (at that time a reader), and to the Patriarch of Alexandria Alexander he foretold, that his successor would be the archdeacon Saint Athanasias.       Saint Mitrophanes peacefully expired to God in the year 326, at age 117. His relics rest at Constantinople, in a church, erected in his memory.

Venerable Methodius , abbot of Peshnosha (1392), disciple of St. Sergius of Radonezh.
The Monk Methodii, Hegumen of Peshnozh (XIV), was the founder of the Peshnozh monastery. In his youth he went to the Monk Sergei of Radonezh and spent several years under his guidance; later on, with the blessing of the Monk Sergei he withdrew into a solitary place and built himself a cell in the forest beyond the River Yakhroma. Soon in this deep and marshy locale several disciples came to him, wanting to imitate his life. The Monk Sergei visited him and advised him to build a monastery and church. The Monk Methodii himself toiled at the construction of the church and the cells, “on foot carrying” (“pesh nosya”) wood along the river, and the monastery from that time began to be called “the Peshnozh”.       In 1391 the Monk Methodii became hegumen of this monastery. At times he withdrew two versts from the monastery and here he asceticised in prayer, and here also the Monk Sergei came to him for spiritual conversation, wherefore this locale received the name “Beseda” (“Conversation-place”).       The Monk Methodii was buried (+ 1392) at the monastery founded by him. In 1732 over his relics was erected a church in the name of the Monks Sergei of Radonezh and Methodii of Peshnozh. The beginning of his local celebration dates to the late XVII – early XVIII Centuries.

Martyrs Frontasius, Severinus, Severian , and Silanus of Gaul (1st c.).
The Holy Martyrs Frontasius, Severinus, Severianus and Silanus suffered for Christ under the emperor Claudius (41-54). They had been sent to preach the Word of God in Southern Gaul (now France) by the bishop of Petragorium, Frontonus. The governor, a pagan named Squiridonus, arrested them and demanded that they renounce Christ. But the martyrs firmly confessed their faith, saying they had but one desire – to either live or die for Christ. The enraged Squiridonus gave orders to take the saints out before the city, secure them to pillars, and thrust nails into their heads in the likeness of a crown of thorns. After this they were beheaded.       And by tradition, the holy martyrs by the power of God continued to live, they took in hand their heads and went to the church of the Mother of God, where at prayer was the holy bishop Frontonus, who had sent them preaching. Putting their heads at the feet of the bishop, they then expired to God.

Martyr Concordius of Spoleto (175).
The Holy Martyr Concordius, son of the presbyter Gordian, was raised in piety and faith in Christ, and therefore the bishop of Rome Pius made him a sub-deacon. Together with his father, Saint Concordius made fasting and prayers, and he generously distributed alms to the needy. With the permission of his father he settled not far from Rome with his kinsman Evtychius and began to spend his days in prayer and good deeds. The reknown of his pious life reached even the head of the Tussa region, Torquatus. Having summoned the saint, he urged him to renounce Christ, promising to make him a priest of the pagan gods, while Saint Concordius in turn urged Torquatus to turn to the True God – Jesus Christ. They beat the martyr and threw him into prison. Holy Bishop Anthymus, a friend of Torquatus, made entreaty to release the prisoner to him. Saint Concordius lived with him for a certain while and was ordained presbyter. When Torquatus again summoned the saint and asked him, what he thought about his life, the saint answered, that life for him – is Christ. They bound him and locked him up in prison, chaining him by the neck and hands to the wall. Three days later Torquatus sent his assistant to the prison, with an order demanding that the martyr either offer sacrifice to the gods, or be condemned to death. The saint cried out: “Glory to Thee, Lord Jesus Christ”, and spat on the idol of Zeus carried by the soldiers. He himself bent his neck beneathe the sword. His death occurred in about the year 175. His relics rest in Italy, not far from the city of Spoleto.

Hieromartyr Astius , bishop of Dyrrachium in Macedonia (110).
The PriestMartyr Astios was bishop of the city of Dirrakheia (Macedonia) during the time of the emperor Trajan (98-117), a persecutor of Christians. The saint once had a dream, a foreboding of his impending suffering and death for Christ. He ordered his assistants to hide, and he himself was arrested and beaten fiercely with tin rods and oxhide whips. But Saint Astios did not renounce Christ. They smeared his body with honey, so as to increase his suffering with the stings of hornets and flies, and crucified him on a cross. The body of the priestmartyr was reverently buried by Christians.

Sts. Mary and Martha, sisters of St. Lazarus (1st c.).
The Righteous Sisters Martha and Mary were believers in Christ even before the Resuscitation by Christ of their brother Saint Lazarus. After the murder of the holy Archdeacon Stephen a persecution against the Jerusalem Church broke out, and Righteous Lazarus was cast out of Jerusalem. The holy sisters then assisted their brother in the proclaiming of the Gospel in various lands.

Venerables Eleazar and Nazarius, wonderworkers of Olonets (15th c.).
The Monks Eleazar and Nazarii of Olonets were founders of the monastery of Saint John the Forerunner on the island of Murma in Lake Onega. In the manuscripts of the saints they are sometimes termed Greeks, which allows them possibly to be considered disciples of the Monk Lazar of Murmansk, who had come from Constantinople.

Venerable John, abbot of Monagria near Cyzicus (761).
The Martyr John, Hegumen of Monagreia, was thrown into the sea during the reign of the Iconoclast emperor Constantine Kopronymos in the year 761.

Additional Saints and Feasts Celebrated Today

New Hieromartyr Peter priest (1918).

New Martyrs: Archbishop Andronicus of Perm (1918) and Archbishop Basil of Chernigov (1918).

New Hieromartyr George priest (1941).

Joanikije Lipovac, Metropolitan of Montenegro (1945) ( Serbia )

Uncovering of the relics of Hieromartyr Peter, archbishop of Voronezh (1999).

Hieromartyr Ioannicus, metropolitan of Montenegro and Littoral (1945).

Venerable Sophia of Thrace (10th-11th c.).

Venerable Alonius of Scete in Egypt (5th c.).

St. Titus, bishop of Byzantium (3rd c.).

Hieromartyr Apotacius and Martyrs Camarus, Zoticus, Gaddanus, Ninnitus, Julius, Attalus, Eutyches, Amasus, Carinus, Saturninus and 30 others, beheaded at Noviodunum in Scythia Minor (320).

St. Optatus, bishop of Milevum in Numidia (376).

St. Petroc of Cornwall (594) (Celtic & British).

Today’s Hymns

St. Metrophanes, Patriarch of Constantinople, Troparion, Tone IV
The truth of things revealed thee to thy flock as a rule of faith,
a model
of meekness and a teacher of abstinence
wherefore thou hast attained the
heights through humility
and riches through poverty.
O hierarch Metrophanes
our father, entreat Christ God that our souls be saved.

Kontakion, in Tone II, “Seeking the highest…”
Thou didst manifestly preach the Faith of Christ,
and preserving it, thou
didst truly cause thy faithful flock to grow into a multitude.
Wherefore, thou
dost rejoice with the angels, O Metrophanes,
entreating Christ unceasingly for
us all.

Download today’s octoechos HERE.

Download today’s menaion HERE.

Courtesy of St. Sergius Church

Hymns, Readings, Feast Day, and Fasting Information provided by Holy Trinity Orthodox Church.

Aggregated and Formatted by OrthoBot OC.

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